Welcome & First Steps


I am Beth Boehr (pronounced “Bear”) and I will be your guide through this module. I’m so glad that you have chosen to give your loved ones the gift of preparing for the what-ifs of life! I did not have that kind of preparation when my husband died suddenly at age 48. I’ll tell you more of that story later, but first, a little bit about me.

I am an author, speaker, writer, financial & budgeting coach, and also a legacy coach. I have worked in the financial field for over 30 years. I created Beyond Budgeting, LLC out of my desire to provide hope through financial education. I quickly realized, though, as I helped people with their finances, that being financially prepared was not enough. That was when I founded Love Legacy.

That is the “professional Beth.” What I have not told you yet is that I am a wife, mother & grandmother!! That last one is one of my favorites. I love to spend time with my family, and especially my grandchildren. They are so much fun! I will share more about my family as we go through the module.

I want you to be able to give your loved ones a great gift. I want you to prepare with purpose so that when life deals a difficult blow, they do not have to worry about making decisions or wonder what your wishes are. You have already taken care of the details for them ahead of time.

Thank you for making the investment in your family and taking the time to Prepare with Purpose!



  1. Watch the video, above.

  2. Collect the following materials (select only those that apply to you and your family):
    □ Your Social Security Card

    □ Your Spouse’s Social Security Card

    □ Social Security Card for any dependent in your care

    □ Your Birth Certificate

    □ Your Spouse’s Birth Certificate

    □ Birth Certificates for any dependent in your care

    □ Your Passport

    □ Your Spouse’s Passport

    □ Passports for any dependents in your care

    □ Your Driver’s License

    □ Your Spouse’s Driver’s License

    □ Driver’s Licenses for any dependents in your care

    □ Death Certificates for spouses or dependents

    □ Prenuptial Agreements

    □ Marriage Licenses

    □ Divorce Decrees

    □ Diplomas

    □ Veterinary Records for all pets in your care

    □ Pet Registry paperwork

    □ Pet Licenses

    □ Pet Microchip paperwork

  3. As you walk through this course, we will present to you worksheets to fill out. Fill out those worksheets that apply to you and your family.

  4. When you are done, CHOOSE a trusted family member and let him or her know that you have completed this information. Be sure to tell them where to find the book in an emergency.

  5. Take a deep breath. You have created a priceless gift for your loved ones! They (and you!) can have peace of mind, knowing that important information is readily available whenever it is needed – even in an emergency.

Document Security

We suggest 2 additional actions for your documents

1. Place the originals together in a fireproof/waterproof safe.

2. Scan each document and save onto a password protected flash drive.

Adobe Reader Software

Adobe offers a free software application that you can use to fill out the worksheets online. If you are filling out the PDFs on your computer, we recommend installing this software.

Once you have completed the above steps, click on the Next Lesson button to the right to continue to the next section of this e-course: